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Orangeade by Purple Hills

Cannabis Jones

Orangeade 🍊 Live Resin Badder by Purple Hills

This 1g offering came in at 72.8% THC with 9.2% terps, packed February 18th 2023

The cultivar used was a cross between Tangie & Purple Punch.

Opening the package, even before opening the jar, you can smell the orange zesty notes with a floral background. A very sweet, ripe, tangerine aroma.

The consistency was nice and smooth, and holds together perfectly, with a nice light orange, on the verge of a peach colour 🤤

I used my RIO to dab this one.

First dab going in was a cold start. (3rd image)

I always preach cold starts, as I find with too much heat, you destroy most of the flavour that the LP's work so hard to preserve.

This just hits all the targets for me. Its such a strong tangerine zest taste, that follows you on the inhale and exhale. After one dab at that size, I was lifted.

The terps immediately go to work, feeling the high basically as you let out your last exhale. Its so delicious that you want to do another dab, but the terps and thc have you on lock down already 🥰

The high was more hybrid, and certainly sativa dominate.

A very uplifted, passive high, body and head. It leaves you with a refreshing feeling, and 2 hours later, I didn't feel a burn out, or fatigue that sometimes comes with nice high terps

This is a 🔥drop, i'm going to savor this one by keeping it loaded in my ToQi


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