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  • Cannabis Jones

Rip-Strip Hash: Tropic Thunder by Shred

Tropic Thunder Rip-Strip Hash 🤘 by SHRED 🧗

This is one of those innovative products 👍

This 2g of hash came in at 43.7% THC, packed February 16th 2023

Opening this bag, instantly you smell the signature Tropic Thunder smell, mangos, pineapples, papaya...a tropical citrus blend with a powerful nose.

Inside the bag, you find this little case, much like an SD card case, and in that, you have the hash, in parchment paper to boot, to help with all that sticky sticky, and keep that nice golden brown color on the inside.

The 2g of hash is perforated into 10 strips, each being a 0.2g serving.

The case, and easy of use, makes this perfect to carry around with your flower to make quick hash infused J's. No having to roll it out into a snake on the go, getting your fingers sticky 👌

I of course, had to do it the hard way, and try and consume this in my happle 🤡 (not recommended by me, joint is way easier for this format)

The last video will show all of my failed attempts at getting this going 🤣

A quick convo with Mr. Donko, and watching his how to video, learned some useful happle techniques.

I continually tried lighting this at the wrong angle, as opposed to like a candle.

Once I got it all smoothed out, (thicker hash snake, and proper lighting technique) I got to taste the smoke

The taste is EXACTLY as it smells. You hit on all the flavoring they added in, giving you that mouth watering tropical fruit taste!

The smoke was smooth at first, but after a couple hits, my lungs tapped out and I wasn't able to do anymore for a few hours after. Not recommended if you have sensitive lungs. It gave me the same kind of feeling as if I vaped too much and couldn't get a good breath in.

The high was a quick onset, right to the head first, giving you that energetic feeling. Smoking this at night, certainly kept me up gaming longer then I should have 😂💁‍♂️

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