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Electric Green Apple by General Admission

Cannabis Jones

Updated: Aug 2, 2023


Electric Green Apple ⚡🍏 by General Admission

This 3 pack of 0.5g infused pre-rolls came in at 37.2% THC with 1.97% terps, packed March 3rd 2023.

Popping this tube, 🔥 instant green candy smell. Reminds me of the sour green hard candies, close to a green jolly rancher smell 🥰

The sizing of the pre-rolls seemed to vary slightly, but all weighed in the same, so 🤷‍♂️

This pre-roll lit up perfectly 😊 No flow or canoe issues. The ash is a solid off white, with that crispy black ring underneath.

The smoothness is the same as the other infused pre-rolls in their collection, bout a 7/10

The taste of the green apple candy is very mild. Not as "HEY! HERE I AM! LOOK AT ME" as the Tiger Blood and Peach Ringz, but as always, still delicious ! Most of the taste comes with the exhale.

The smoke coming off of this, smelled almost like....strawberries? Very weird, but cool none the less

The high was classic hybrid, learning more to the cerebral effects. I was still able to get shit done, feeling a bit more energetic and vigorous 👌

Would LOVE to see a 1g version, or a 510 cart with this flavour 💚


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