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Cannabis Jones

Infused Cannagar by Buddy Homburg

Infused Cannagar by Buddy Homburg

This is a vibe, more so then just regular smoke.👨‍💼🕶

The 2g Cannagar came in at 15% THC, 10% CBD, and 5% CBG AND 5% Terps. 🔥

Packed November 28 2022.

CBG, for myself anyway, feels like an energy drink. It makes me more alert, responsive, and overall energized, so adding this into the entourage really pumps me up! CBG has a ton of other welcoming benefits as well, do a bit of googling if your curious on more!

The corn husk filter is awesome, It helps keep this smoke smooth AF...and it was, smooth af.🔥🔥

The cultivar used in this gar is Panama Gold 🍾

Right from the go, the burn was clean, in the second pic you can see how easily you can build up a strong white ash.👌It took me about 20-25 min to finish this, and was a pleasure the whole time 😍

The taste...Earthy, and some light notes of citrus, and berry?

I smoked this right down to the cigar band lol

If they had a 4g I wouldn't hesitate to tackle that 😂

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