The Handy Trifecta Pack by Handy Dandies
This 3 pack of 0.5g pre-rolls contains some heavy hitters, filled with flavor 🤤🔥
The Purple Tip
Blueberry Sinmint - 19.41% THC with 1.63% terps

The Green/Blue Tip
Sinmint Cookie - 23.63% THC with 1.76% terps
The Orange Tip
Banana Petrol - 23.06% THC with a LOUD 3.82% terps

All packaged on January 20th 2023🎉
All of these J's have a gorgeous dutch crown, and are firm. No loosey lucy here 😄
None of the above mentioned had issues with canoe. They were pretty firm, so I ran a skewer through just incase, and had zero issues.
All were Smooth AF, I could rip them all day back to back 🤟
The Blueberry Sinmint, for me, hands down the best tasting of the 3. (Which is hard, because all 3 are bangin)
The smoke had almost a dessert taste. Very sweet, with a bit of sour and spice. Too good😍 (Ash pic 1)
The Sinmint Cookie up next. This had the same delicious sweetness to it, with a menthol-almond ish undertones. Sounds weird when I'm reading this back to myself, but it worked. (ash pic 2)
Then we had the Banana Petrol 😋
This tasty mf'er was like smoking a banana split, with diesel ❤️❤️
Neither one of these J's destroyed me, or made me so high I couldn't function, but certainly gave me a VERY nice high, with a long afterglow.
The dangerous part, is that they taste so good, you want another, then another, and another. Great F'ing job on these pre-rolls, and the market price is hitting below most of the other 1.5g packs that's up for grabs at the moment.
All I want, is a fat sack of Blueberry Sinmint right lol