THC: 10mg / Package
THCV: 20mg / Package
Qty: 4 Gummies

For all the OG's out there...Trailblazer is back! 🤯
A fresh new look, and a fresh new attitude 🎩🥰
This isn't your Mom's Glow or Spark sticks 💪🏽
Tearing into this package, you have 4 soft gummies
The gummies are round, with a cannabis leaf printed on the top side
You can smell a slight grapefruit tone to the package and the gummy
They're Sugar-Free, so don't feel bad smashing a bag or 2 😎
The Zen Garden Grapefruit gummies are infused with THC distillate, and THCV (check out the Shred'EMs THCV for the deets)
Eating one of these, the texture is ideal.
It's soft, and you don't get that weird jello-skin sort of texture when biting into it, much like the competition on the market right now
Once you bite into it, your tastebud's will go bonkers with that pure, natural tasting grapefruit
It's almost as if you're biting into a Ruby Red grapefruit 😆
There's a slight orange/tangerine citrus taste on the back end, which dulls that bitterness you would normally get from a grapefruit, and transforms it into more of a grapefruit smoothy kind of thing (if you didn't know you like grapefruit smoothies, you do now)
The THC levels were not enough to get past my tolerance levels, so I don't have a comment on the high it brings to some people
I did have this overall wellness feeling, as if i've taken all my vitamins in the morning 💪🏽🥰